2023 ARCADIA at UC Berkeley

Round 9: UC Berkeley B vs. UC Berkeley C

UC Berkeley C


Janghyun Lee01010
Kevin Ye12130
Terry Tang02020
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

UC Berkeley B


Anuttam Ramji24165
Rohan Shelke12035
Ryan Sun12225
Steven Yuan0115
13 bonuses for 210 points (16.15 PPB)

Janghyun LeeKevin YeTerry TangBonusesTotalTUAnuttam RamjiRohan ShelkeRyan SunSteven YuanBonusesTotal
0110 1131001030
0 14102-5 3925
10 71100020325
20410 103010045
10 1420100405-5 12840
10 1160101070640
70710 1200101070
70810 96010090
70915 7310100125
10 14310009010-5 92120
901110 1031000140
901215 7101010175
901310 9710100205
15 64001011514205
1151515 300100230
1151610 10801010260
10 76100013517-5 53255
1351815 5010010290
1351910 1041000310
-5 541302010 13810100340
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text