2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 5: Ottawa B vs. Waterloo A

Waterloo A


Mattias Ehatamm0235
Michael Du02115
Micah Colman05145
Rayton Lin01010
10 bonuses for 170 points (17 PPB)

Ottawa B


Ishan Joshi11310
David Gayowsky12130
Stuart Chandler-Baas02020
Stefan Vlad0115
8 bonuses for 70 points (8.75 PPB)

Mattias EhatammMichael DuMicah ColmanRayton LinBonusesTotalTUIshan JoshiDavid GayowskyStuart Chandler-BaasStefan VladBonusesTotal
10 106101003010
10 1510010502-5 94-5
-5 13945310 149001015
-5 10040410 11500025
40510 62010045
10 12210010706-5 8640
70715 51001065
-5 11665810 134010085
10 880101095985
-5 10990100 15085
10 95100101201185
10 8700101401285
0 136140130 13685
10 11710001601485
1601515 791000110
10 11810101020016-5 96105
2001710 850010125
10 147100022018-5 56120
10 1511001025019-5 120115
-5 432452010 1300100135
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text