2023 ARCADIA at Indiana

Round 7: Illinois B vs. Purdue A

Illinois B


Shardul Parthasarathy11025
Jisoo Park0115
Yash Mandavia02210
Akshar Goyal0115
6 bonuses for 100 points (16.67 PPB)

Purdue A


Ben Dahl12130
Stan Melkumian12035
Eylon Caplan12130
Matt Schiavone13140
13 bonuses for 240 points (18.46 PPB)

Shardul ParthasarathyJisoo ParkYash MandaviaAkshar GoyalBonusesTotalTUBen DahlStan MelkumianEylon CaplanMatt SchiavoneBonusesTotal
0115 4100015
-5 51-5215 51010040
-5315 500101075
10 1210010154-5 4570
15510 102101010110
15 520010406110
-5 8935710 1490010130
-5 9930810 136101010170
30915 6501010205
-5 7225100 130205
251110 8210010235
251210 109101010275
10 12801004513-5 80270
451410 760100290
10 147010107515-5 106285
751610 10910100315
10 10110101011517315
1151810 5910010345
1151910 11110010375
10 790101014520375
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text