2023 ARCADIA at Indiana

Round 5: Illinois A vs. Notre Dame B

Notre Dame B


Matthew Amante02115
Michael Durrant0115
Christopher Joseph001-5
3 bonuses for 40 points (13.33 PPB)

Illinois A


Andrew Wang14150
Justin Wytmar24260
Max Brodsky02020
Michael Hunding12035
16 bonuses for 340 points (21.25 PPB)

Matthew AmanteMichael DurrantChristopher JosephBonusesTotalTUAndrew WangJustin WytmarMax BrodskyMichael HundingBonusesTotal
0110 8710101040
0210 10910101080
0310 1370010100
-5 64-5410 115101010140
10 1260100155-5 67135
15615 5801010170
15710 8301010200
15810 12310100230
15910 8710100260
10 145101004510-5 35255
451110 8201010285
451210 9010010315
451315 3110100350
451415 8701010385
451515 770010410
-5 106401610 1180010430
401710 87101010470
10 13000106018470
-5 49551910 151101010510
0 1305520-5 33505
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text