2023 ARCADIA at Indiana

Round 4: Illinois A vs. Purdue A

Illinois A


Michael Hunding0000
Justin Wytmar12225
Max Brodsky11120
Andrew Wang360105
14 bonuses for 290 points (20.71 PPB)

Purdue A


Matt Schiavone11120
Stan Melkumian0000
Ben Dahl03030
Eylon Caplan0000
5 bonuses for 90 points (18 PPB)

Michael HundingJustin WytmarMax BrodskyAndrew WangBonusesTotalTUMatt SchiavoneStan MelkumianBen DahlEylon CaplanBonusesTotal
-5 22-5110 1380101030
15 5710101040230
10 1130101070330
10 7601010100430
10 9410010130530
130615 71010055
-5 6712570 11655
125810 870101085
10 13201010155985
15 281010102001085
15 41010102351185
15 46010102701285
-5 1242651310 1390010105
10 770101029514105
10 1491001032515-5 120100
10 1020101035516100
10 921001038517100
3851810 69101010140
15 680101042019140
10 90001044020140
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text