
A flint stone may have inspired a sculpture named for this action in a reflecting pool outside of Lincoln Center. One of the “talking statues” of Rome that depicts (15[1])a river god doing this action is nicknamed Marforio. The collapse of a chamber’s roof at Bhamala damaged a sculpture of the Buddha performing this physical action that commonly represents parinirvana. (15[1])A sculpture in the Galleria Borghese performing this action could be rotated by crank and holds an (*) apple. Mesoamerican chacmool statues (10[1])performing this action inspired over 20 abstract statues by Henry Moore. In an Antonio Canova sculpture, Pauline Bonaparte performs this action as Venus Victrix. A Black servant holds a flower bouquet in a painting of Victorine (10[1])Meurent (10[1])doing this action. For 10 points, Edouard Manet’s Olympia is part of a genre of nudes doing what recumbent pose? ■END■

ANSWER: reclining [accept equivalents such as laying down; accept Reclining Figure; accept recumbent until read; prompt on resting; prompt on sleeping or dying by asking “What physical action is the figure doing?”]
<GE, Visual Fine Arts>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Max BrodskyIllinois APurdue A2815
John MarvinChicago ANotre Dame B5915
Shardul ParthasarathyIllinois BVanderbilt8010
Zach JosephNotre Dame AChicago B11610
David NickelPurdue BIndiana11710


2023 ARCADIA at UC BerkeleyPremiereY2100%50%0%68.50
2023 ARCADIA at Carleton UniversityPremiereY3100%0%33%104.00
2023 ARCADIA at Claremont CollegesPremiereY1100%0%0%91.00
2023 ARCADIA at IndianaPremiereY5100%40%0%80.00
2023 ARCADIA at RITPremiereY2100%0%50%119.50
2023 ARCADIA at WUSTLPremiereY3100%33%33%109.33