2023 ARCADIA at Indiana

Round 1: Purdue B vs. Vanderbilt A

Purdue B


David Nickel14055
Gowthamm Mandala001-5
Davis Johnson002-10
5 bonuses for 70 points (14 PPB)

Vanderbilt A


Gideon Kpurubu12225
Alan Wu02020
Gavin Markoff13235
Aidan Fein03125
12 bonuses for 150 points (12.5 PPB)

David NickelGowthamm MandalaDavis JohnsonBonusesTotalTUGideon KpurubuAlan WuGavin MarkoffAidan FeinBonusesTotal
10 12510100301-5 65-5
30215 6000010
30310 100010030
304-5 10825
30510 8510101065
30615 6301010100
15 721000557100
558-5 8595
10 1270010759-5 10490
10 1150100951090
951110 851000110
951210 85101010150
10 1301001012513-5 91145
-5 1191201410 1350100165
-5 13811515165
1151610 831000185
-5 301101710 1380010205
1101810 1220100225
1101910 95000235
1102010 950100255
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text