2023 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 11: Delaware A vs. NYU C

Delaware A


Udbhav Bodapati5050
Daniel Shannon6155
11 bonuses for 180 points (16.36 PPB)



Rio Lucenet7165
Eli Mendoza120
8 bonuses for 60 points (7.5 PPB)

Udbhav BodapatiDaniel ShannonBonusesTotalTURio LucenetEli MendozaBonusesTotal
0110 71010020
0310 6600030
10 6410101040430
10 310101070530
10 110010101006-5 10225
100710 961010055
10 76000110855
-5 63105910 64100075
1051010 78001095
1051110 87000105
10 9910101014512-5 90100
10 10000015513100
10 10010101019514100
10 109001021515-5 10095
2151610 1050100115
10 1201001024517115
10 112100026518115
2651910 87000125
10 39001028520125
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text