
This pope issued the encyclical Centisimus annus on the hundredth anniversary of Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this pope who held the office during the fall of Communism in his native Poland. He issued formal apologies for the Church’s role in the slave trade and the trial of Galileo.
ANSWER: Pope Saint John Paul II [or JPII; accept Karol Józef Wojtyła]
[10h] While he promoted Catholic Social Teaching, John Paul II explicitly opposed this Latin American theological movement for supposed Marxist ties. This movement supports a preferential option for the poor.
ANSWER: liberation theology [or teología de la liberación]
[10e] John Paul II gave the Theology of the Body lectures at this square outlining Catholic teachings on marriage, celibacy, and contraception. This square in Vatican City is named after the first pope.
ANSWER: Saint Peter’s Square
<Religion - Religion>

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