2023 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 11: Columbia A vs. Fordham A

Columbia A


Geoffrey Wu9090
9 bonuses for 200 points (22.22 PPB)

Fordham A


Wade Rogers5050
Saif Virani2020
Mary Scheidel115
Aidan Thompson3030
11 bonuses for 180 points (16.36 PPB)

Geoffrey WuBonusesTotalTUWade RogersSaif ViraniMary ScheidelAidan ThompsonBonusesTotal
10 34101003010
10 1170100502-5 110-5
10 790010703-5
70410 81001015
70510 1260101045
70610 471010075
70710 2710010105
10 12100101008105
100910 6701010135
10 5710101014010135
1401110 9210100165
10 5910101018012165
10 6610101022013165
2201410 811000185
10 6510101026015185
2601610 10910010215
2601710 1910010245
10 630101029018245
2901910 6001010275
2902010 71000285
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text