2023 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 7: Princeton A vs. NYU C

Princeton A


Lucas Shedlock4135
Ivy Chen6345
Finn Doyle2115
12 bonuses for 240 points (20 PPB)



Rishi Sondhi1010
Rio Lucenet4135
Eli Mendoza1010
6 bonuses for 130 points (21.67 PPB)

Lucas ShedlockIvy ChenFinn DoyleBonusesTotalTURishi SondhiRio LucenetEli MendozaBonusesTotal
-5 77-5110 1071010030
10 68001015230
15310 7510101070
10 511010045470
45510 7110010100
10 730100656100
-5 8760710 11110100130
60810 650100150
10 440010809150
10 630101011010150
-5 891051110 108101010190
10 830101013512190
-5 101130130 116190
10 6910101017014190
10 331010020015190
10 500101023016190
-5 63225170 122190
10 10910101026518-5 36185
10 9910101030519185
10 631010033520185
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text