
This character recites his translation of Ossian to a woman who breaks down in tears. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this character who kills himself with one of Albert’s pistols and is buried beside two linden trees. The“Sorrows” of this character are depicted in a novel about his failed romantic pursuit of Charlotte.
ANSWER: Young Werther [accept The Sorrows of Young Werther or Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers]
[10e] The Sorrows of Young Werther was written by this German polymath and author of Faust.
ANSWER: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (“GERR-tuh”)
[10h] Goethe suffered from unrequited love toward the end of his life, leading him to pen a poem in this genre named for Marienbad. He also wrote a set of 24 poems in this genre inspired by a journey to Rome.
ANSWER: elegy [accept “Marienbad Elegy” or “Marienbader Elegie”; accept Roman Elegies or Römische Elegien]
<Literature - European Literature>

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