2023 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 4: Columbia B vs. Delaware B

Columbia B


Nitya Nigam02-10
Mihir Shetty3125
Carter Hohl2020
Andrew Yang7165
12 bonuses for 240 points (20 PPB)

Delaware B


Michael Rhoades02-10
Catherine Fiore115
1 bonuses for 10 points (10 PPB)

Nitya NigamMihir ShettyCarter HohlAndrew YangBonusesTotalTUMichael RhoadesCatherine FioreBonusesTotal
10 83010103010
-5 1062520 1200
10 1100010453-5 22-5
10 11510010754-5
10 96101001055-5 85-10
0 1301056-5 119-15
10 50010101357-15
10 96010101658-15
-5 6716090 108-15
10 58010018010-15
10 1091010021012-15
10 7810101025013-15
10 4610101029015-15
10 93100031016-15
10 8310101035017-15
-5 92345180 106-15
-5 36340190 110-15
3402010 1901005
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text