2023 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 4: Columbia A vs. Rutgers A

Columbia A


Geoffrey Wu121115
12 bonuses for 230 points (19.17 PPB)

Rutgers A


Shadmehr Khan115
Aiden Palermo3220
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)

Geoffrey WuBonusesTotalTUShadmehr KhanAiden PalermoBonusesTotal
10 103101010401-5 80-5
0 1204020 120-5
10 90101010803-5
10 1021010101204-5
10 4401001405-5
0 13014060 130-5
10 3501001607-5
10 8900101808-5 23-10
1809-5 32-15
10 451010021010-15
10 123100023011-15
10 108001025012-15
10 4010101029013-15
0 115290140 115-15
10 591001032015-15
-5 623151610 931010015
3151710 94010035
10 95010103451835
3451910 56010055
3452010 28001075
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text