2023 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 3: Penn A vs. Maryland A

Penn A


Kaiden Carey5145
Gabriella Antunes02-10
Elias Ziyadeh4040
Chenyao Liu2020
11 bonuses for 160 points (14.55 PPB)

Maryland A


Patrick Torre2115
Jacob Martin2115
Emily Bussa115
Daniel Kim000
Alex Emmert1010
6 bonuses for 110 points (18.33 PPB)

Kaiden CareyGabriella AntunesElias ZiyadehChenyao LiuBonusesTotalTUPatrick TorreJacob MartinEmily BussaDaniel KimAlex EmmertBonusesTotal
0110 481010030
10 34010020230
10 1110010403-5 7825
10 381001070425
70510 1020101055
10 7001010100655
-5 829570 11255
10 251000115855
10 5110010145955
-5 1101401055
0 10514011-5 5850
10 70101001701250
1701310 68010070
10 122001019014-5 4765
10 106010102201565
-5 182151610 1101010095
10 7401002351795
2351810 9601010125
2351910 1410100155
10 100100025520155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text