
Parliament responded to this event by suppressing public meetings with the Six Acts legislation. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this event at which Henry “Orator” Hunt delivered a speech advocating parliamentary reform in August 1819.
ANSWER: Peterloo Massacre
[10e] The Peterloo Massacre occurred in the last year of this British monarch’s reign. This monarch’s long reign saw a ban on the transatlantic slave trade in 1807 and earlier military conflicts including the American Revolution.
ANSWER: George III [prompt on George]
[10m] The demands for reform were partly prompted by an economic slump caused by these trade restrictions. These tariffs kept bread prices high, and were eventually repealed in response to the Irish Potato Famine in 1846.
ANSWER: Corn Laws [prompt on Corn]
<History - European History>

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