2023 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 3: Fordham A vs. Delaware B

Fordham A


Wade Rogers5240
Saif Virani6060
Mary Scheidel115
Aidan Thompson2020
14 bonuses for 270 points (19.29 PPB)

Delaware B


Michael Rhoades000
Catherine Fiore1010
1 bonuses for 10 points (10 PPB)

Wade RogersSaif ViraniMary ScheidelAidan ThompsonBonusesTotalTUMichael RhoadesCatherine FioreBonusesTotal
10 25101003010
-5 825210 110010020
10 92001045320
10 601001075420
10 9501010105520
10 37101010145620
10 4510010175720
10 105101010215820
10 5710100245920
-5 542401120
-5 70235120 10720
0 1122351320
10 57010102651420
0 1232651520
10 751010103051620
10 210003151720
10 96101003451820
10 910003551920
10 1001010103952020
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text