2023 ACF Winter at Columbia

Round 6: Haverford A vs. Rutgers B

Haverford A


Audrey Cho0000
Arjun Bothra07165
Ethan Furman05050
12 bonuses for 150 points (12.5 PPB)

Rutgers B


Simon Emmanuel05145
Jonathan Chen0000
Mark Tawfik0115
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Audrey ChoArjun BothraEthan FurmanBonusesTotalTUSimon EmmanuelJonathan ChenMark TawfikBonusesTotal
10 10501002010
20210 101001020
10 85001040320
40410 117001040
10 8600050540
10 109001070640
10 13010100100740
-5 8595810 126100060
0 136959-5 5055
951010 90010075
10 9801001151175
115120 13475
10 9001001351375
10 121001015514-5 10770
1551510 8810100100
10 1131001018516100
1851710 720100120
10 941001021518120
10 531001024519120
10 111001026520120
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text