
François Couperin’s treatise The Art of Playing the Harpsichord includes eight “unmeasured” pieces in this genre for use as exercises. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this genre. In another collection, two broken C major arpeggios open the first of 48 pieces in this genre, written in every major and minor key.
ANSWER: prelude [prompt on preludes and fugues] (The first prelude is from J. S. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier.)
[10h] The only other piece in The Art of Playing the Harpsichord is a piece in this genre. After the prelude, this quadruple-meter, moderate-tempo dance is the first of the four main dances in a Baroque dance suite.
ANSWER: allemande
[10e] While J. S. Bach began his English suites with preludes, his keyboard suites named for this country start directly with allemandes. Couperin worked in this country as a court composer for Louis XIV.
ANSWER: France [accept Kingdom of France or Royaume de France]
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