2023 ACF Winter at Columbia

Round 5: Columbia B vs. Yale B

Yale B


Andrew Minagar06060
Lukas Koutsoukos03030
9 bonuses for 120 points (13.33 PPB)

Columbia B


Jack Rado03220
Cooper Roh05050
Andre Wong01010
Jason Qin02020
11 bonuses for 240 points (21.82 PPB)

Andrew MinagarLukas KoutsoukosBonusesTotalTUJack RadoCooper RohAndre WongJason QinBonusesTotal
10 109100103010
30210 541010030
30310 1170101060
30410 53101010100
10 1360100505100
50610 3310100130
50710 450010150
10 841000708150
10 1020010909150
10 113010011010-5 69145
1101110 106101010185
1101210 76101010225
1101310 971000245
1101410 1810010275
10 128001013015275
10 58010015016275
10 1110101018017-5 48270
1801810 8810010300
1801910 20101010340
10 1011010021020340
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text