2023 ACF Winter at Columbia

Round 5: Bard A vs. NYU B

Bard A


Cyrus Hodgson02115
William Helman0115
Abby Hope0000
Basha Shapiro02115
5 bonuses for 60 points (12 PPB)



Mina Smith02020
Rico-Ian Banting05050
Noah Shapiro02020
Omar Mahmood02020
11 bonuses for 140 points (12.73 PPB)

Cyrus HodgsonWilliam HelmanAbby HopeBasha ShapiroBonusesTotalTUMina SmithRico-Ian BantingNoah ShapiroOmar MahmoodBonusesTotal
0110 121001020
0210 109010040
0 145030 14540
-5 56-5410 1150101070
0 136-550 13670
0 126-560 12670
-5 124-10710 12900080
-10810 8401010110
-10910 661000130
10 7800101010130
101110 1061000150
101210 12201010180
0 14810130 148180
10 5701003014180
301510 10410100210
301610 1360010230
10 9010005017230
10 107100108018230
10 100001010019230
-5 119952010 1270010250
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text