
Description required. This fictional object is compared to an author’s broken engagement in “The Swords Are Approaching,” an essay by the author of Love and Garbage, Ivan Klíma. After fiddling with this object, a character tries to wash his hands in dirty water, then sand, causing him to drop two women’s handkerchiefs. A servant who earlier had rejected a whipping grabs at the gear wheels that begin to pour out of this object. This device’s operator complains of a squeaky wheel and torn straps (10[1])to a traveler viewing this device, who is urged to recommend its utility to a new Commandant. (10[2])This device, which is made up of the Bed, the Inscriber, and the Harrow, kills an Officer obsessed with it instead (10[1])of writing the words “BE JUST.” For 10 points, identify this punitive device (10[1])from a Franz Kafka story (10[1])set at a prison camp. ■END■ (10[1]0[2])

ANSWER: the apparatus from “In the Penal Colony” [or the apparatus in the penal colony; accept machine or mechanism or general terms for things, like object or device, in place of “apparatus”; accept descriptions of a torture device or killing device in place of “apparatus”; accept “In Der Strafkolonie” in place of “In the Penal Colony”]
<HG, European Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
William OrrYale ARutgers A8310
Nathan ZhangCornell BHaverford A10010
Sinecio MoralesJohns Hopkins ANYU B10010
Hannah NieuwveldPenn APenn B12110
Jerry VinokurovJohn Jay CollegeHaverford B13410
Jack RadoColumbia BMaryland A13910
Samuel KassoverGeorge Washington BMaryland B1450
Gus VanskikeMaryland BGeorge Washington B1450
Nicholas LaneGeorge Washington AVassar A14510


Lower Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y580%0%0%117.50
Pacific Northwest2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%129.50
South Central2025-02-01Y2100%0%0%97.00
Upper Mid-Atlantic2025-02-01Y888%0%0%117.43
Upstate NY2025-02-01Y30%0%0%0.00