A dynasty of this ethnic group was revived after its leader ended the “Kalabhra interregnum.” Rebels opposing leaders of this ethnicity formed the Confederation of Madja-as in the Philippines. This ethnic group created “singing steps” leading up to one of their three “Great Living” temples; that temple depicted legends associated with 63 “poet-saints” of this ethnicity. Some of the oldest literature written by this ethnic group is collected in the Eight Anthologies and the Ten Idylls, which is part of their Sangam literature. A dynasty led by this ethnicity caused the collapse of the Sailendra (“shy-LAIN-druh”) dynasty during their invasion of Srivijaya led by Rajendra I. For 10 points, name this predominant ethnicity of the “Three Crowned Kings” consisting of the Chera, Pandya, and Chola dynasties in southern India. ■END■
ANSWER: Tamils [or Tamilar; or Thamizhar] (The 63 poet-saints are the Nayanars.)
<SIUE, World History>
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