David Matthews completed a fragment of a cello concerto by this composer for the piece Dark Pastoral. A Concerto Grosso by this composer splits the orchestra into three sections based on skill. The soloist enters on the rapid notes “C, E-flat, F, E-flat, sustained F” at the start of a concerto written by this composer for Philip Catelinet. This composer used biblical verses from the Song of Solomon to title the movements of a piece for viola, wordless chorus, and orchestra. The first tuba concerto in the standard repertoire is by this composer, who also wrote the six-movement orchestral suite Flos Campi. A solo violin plays ascending trills to imitate the title animal in a short romance by this composer inspired by a George Meredith poem. For 10 points, name this composer of The Lark Ascending. ■END■
ANSWER: Ralph Vaughan Williams (“rafe von Williams”) [accept RVW; prompt on Williams]
<JC, Classical Music>
= Average correct buzz position