Manganese-containing structures based on this mineral can exhibit “colossal magnetoresistance.” The bismuth and oxygen Aurivillius phase of this mineral exhibits ferroelectricity and is a candidate for low-temperature co-fired ceramics. Strontium titanate was part of the first series of a phase of this mineral named for Ruddlesden and Popper. High-temperature superconductors like YBCO have structures named for this mineral. Metal halides with structures named for this mineral are commonly used in solar cells. The D-double-prime layer is characterized by high-pressure magnesium silicate called the “post” form of this mineral. This mineral names a structure for compounds of the form ABX3. For 10 points, what mineral consisting of calcium titanium oxide is named for a Russian mineralogist? ■END■
ANSWER: perovskite [accept post-perovskite; accept perovskite solar cells; prompt on PSCs]
<Chicago B, Other Science>
= Average correct buzz position