
While trying to make a dramatic entrance at an artists’ colony by climbing through the window, this author first saw his future wife by candlelight, prompting his essay “On Falling in Love.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this author whose relationship with his older, gun-toting American wife Fanny Van de Grift Osbourne is examined in Camille Peri’s book A Wilder Shore. This author wrote “Virginibus Puerisque” and three other essays on marriage.
ANSWER: Robert Louis Stevenson
[10e] Stevenson burned the first draft of this novella and started over after receiving negative feedback from Fanny. In this novella, an elixir transforms a London physician into a monstrous killer.
ANSWER: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [or Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; accept Jekyll and Hyde]
[10m] Peri’s book documents the 1888 breakdown of Stevenson’s friendship with this one-legged author, who inspired Long John Silver. This poet wrote “I am the captain of my soul” in “Invictus.”
ANSWER: William Ernest Henley [or W. E. Henley]
<TH, British Literature>

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