
In a story from the Lambeth manuscript, a warrior uses his shield to trick one of these animals into fighting its own reflection. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this sort of animal that terrorized the Isle of Anglesey until King Arthur killed it. Black-furred varieties of these animals are a sign of good luck in Welsh culture, and are often depicted accompanying witches.
ANSWER: cats [accept Cath Palug]
[10m] In the Welsh poem Pa Gur, this Knight of the Round Table fights the monstrous Cath Palug instead of King Arthur. This foster brother of King Arthur and son of Sir Ector served as the king’s seneschal (“SEN-uh-shul”), or stewart.
ANSWER: Sir Kay [or Cai; or Cei; or Kex; or Keu]
[10h] A major source for the “Poetry of the Princes” was this text, according to which the sow Henwen birthed Cath Palug after being chased out of Cornwall. This text contains many stories from the Mabinogion, like a similar text named for Rhydderch.
ANSWER: Red Book of Hergest [or Llyfr Coch Hergest]
<MS, Mythology>

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