This author and the “Environmental Tradition” subtitle a 1991 book by Jonathan Bate considered a foundational work of ecocriticism. The penultimate section of a long poem by this poet mentions “an ennobling interchange / Of action from without and from within.” This poet used an ABAB rhyme scheme in a poem in which the “fair works” of nature remind the speaker of “what man has made of man.” A poem by this author calls nature “the nurse, the guide, the guardian of my heart, and soul / Of all my moral being.” This poet of “Lines Written in Early Spring” wrote of re-encountering the “steep woods” and the “sylvan Wye” after “five summers, with the length / Of five long winters” in a nostalgic poem written in 1798. For 10 points, name the Romantic poet who wrote The Prelude and “Tintern Abbey.” ■END■
ANSWER: William Wordsworth (The Bate book is Romantic Ecology: Wordsworth and the Environmental Tradition.)
<TH, British Literature>
= Average correct buzz position