A function named for a type of this phenomenon is defined as the half-Fourier transform of a friction coefficient in Götze and Wölfle’s derivation of the generalized Drude formula. A type of this phenomenon was observed in the relaxation of a polyvinyl acetate sample by A. J. Kovacs. A type of this phenomenon is induced in a single layer of connected spin glasses that “update” until a local energy minimum is reached. A type of this phenomenon is the [emphasize] first word in a device’s portmanteau name coined by Leon Chua; that device is characterized by the derivative of magnetic flux with respect to charge and is dubbed the “fourth fundamental circuit element.” For 10 points, a resistor-like circuit element has a name describing what phenomenon in which a system is dependent on its previous states? ■END■
ANSWER: memory [accept memristors or memory function; prompt on hysteresis; prompt on learning; prompt on neuron activation]
<Chicago A, Physics>
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