In one story, this figure is attacked by a massive three-horned beast called the Odontotyrannos, or “tooth-tyrant.” This figure’s servant Andreas loses a fish while in the Land of Darkness but subsequently discovers the Water of Life. Hoping to breed a race of strong children, the Amazonian queen Thalestris brought 300 women to this figure. According to Plutarch, a priest at a temple mispronounced the Greek for “my son” while meeting with this figure, who is sometimes depicted with two horns. Plutarch claims that since Artemis was attending to this ruler’s birth, her temple at Ephesus burnt down on the same day. An object connecting an ox to a tree was cut in half by this ruler. For 10 points, the Gordian Knot was severed by what Macedonian conqueror of the Achaemenid Empire? ■END■
ANSWER: Alexander the Great [or Alexander III of Macedon; or Alexandros III; prompt on Alexander or Alexandros]
<MS, Mythology>
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