
During a period called the isohiva or “Great Wrath,” thousands of people from this modern-day country were enslaved, then sold in Constantinople or forced to drain marshes around an island whose name means “Hare Island.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this modern-day country where peasants rebelled over the costs of quartering armies in the Cudgel War. The Abc-kiria and Se Wsi Testamenti were published by a priest from this modern-day country.
ANSWER: Finland [or Suomi; or Republic of Finland; or Suomen tasavalta; accept Republiken Finland] (“Hare Island” is Zayachy Island. The priest is Mikael Agricola.)
[10e] The Protestant Reformation began in Finland under the rule of Gustav, the founder of Helsinki and first ruler of this Swedish dynasty. Gustavus Adolphus was a king of this dynasty.
ANSWER: Vasa [or Wasa; or House of Vasa; or Vasaätten; or Wazowie; or Vazos]
[10m] Finnish became an official language of administration during an “Age of” this concept in Sweden. That era named for this concept saw increased parliamentary power after the Great Northern War.
ANSWER: Age of Liberty [accept frihetstiden or frihet; accept vapauden aika or vapautta]
<EC, European History>

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