Answer the following about the artistic impact of the physiognomist Johann Kaspar Lavater, for 10 points each.
[10e] Lavater’s studies influenced Franz Xaver Messerschmidt’s portrayal of the “canonical grimaces” in a series of these works. Jean-Antoine Houdon (“oo-DON”) made many of these sculptures that show a subject’s head and upper torso.
ANSWER: busts [or portrait busts; prompt on character heads or Charakterköpfe]
[10h] This friend of Lavater made an English translation of his Essays on Physiognomy. This artist’s fantasies about Lavater’s niece, Anna Landolt, may have inspired a painting popularized by a Thomas Burke engraving.
ANSWER: Henry Fuseli (“FUSE-lee”) [or Johann Heinrich Füssli] (The painting is The Nightmare.)
[10m] Thomas Rowlandson and James Gillray, who mainly worked in this genre, both made studies based on Lavater’s work. Charles Baudelaire wrote that an artist had “the accuracy of a Lavater” in works in this genre like Gargantua that often appeared in Le Charivari (“luh shah-ree-vah-REE”).
ANSWER: caricatures [accept political cartoons; prompt on satires or satirical; prompt on sketches or comic strips; prompt on lithographs or drawings] (The artist is Honoré Daumier.)
<TM, Painting and Sculpture>
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