
Answer the following about French written works with falsified attributions, for 10 points each.
[10m] Prosper Mérimée had to tell this author that the “Illyric poetry” book La Guzla was a hoax after this poet began to translate it. Mérimée translated a story by this author in which Hermann learns a gambling secret from a dead countess.
ANSWER: Aleksandr Pushkin [or Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin] (The story is “The Queen of Spades.”)
[10h] A fictional German archaeologist “unearthed” this collection, which attempted to lend credence to its supposed Greek origins via sections titled for Pamphylia and Mytilene. Pierre Louÿs (“loo-EESE”) wrote this collection of lesbian poetry.
ANSWER: The Songs of Bilitis [or Les Chansons de Bilitis]
[10e] In the 1860s, Denis Vrain-Lucas forged over 20,000 documents before being caught trying to dupe the French Academy of Sciences into thinking that gravity was first discovered by this author of Pensées (“pawn-SAY”).
ANSWER: Blaise Pascal
<Minnesota A, European Literature>

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