In an experiment testing this faculty, the anterior cingulate cortex’s activation led to a Gratton effect. Fish facing either left or right are featured in a test of a form of this faculty by Barbara and Charles Eriksen. It’s not hearing, but Colin Cherry defined an effect of this faculty by conducting dichotic listening experiments. Changes in this faculty can result in an orientation mechanism called “inhibition of return.” According to theories by Broadbent and Treisman, a variant of this faculty results from a “bottleneck filter.” The “selective” form of this faculty is the subject of the cocktail party effect. A video that tests this faculty depicts people passing basketballs as a gorilla walks between them. For 10 points, name this faculty that names a common deficit disorder abbreviated ADHD. ■END■
ANSWER: attention [accept attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; accept selective attention; prompt on ADD or ADHD until “ADHD” is read by asking “what faculty is impaired in that disorder?”]
<Chicago B, Social Science>
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