One of these works asks “Is not a patron one who looks with unconcern on a man struggling for life in the water, and, when he has reached ground, encumbers him with help?” An early example of travel literature made up of these works and titled for the “Turkish Embassy” was written by Mary Wortley Montagu. Lord Chesterfield, whose own collection of works in this form instructs his son on gentlemanly behavior, was the target of a polemical one of them by Samuel Johnson. During the Age of Enlightenment, European intellectuals were connected by the circulation of these works in a community called “the republic of” these things. The French term for “good writing,” when rendered in English, names “men of” these documents. For 10 points, what sort of documents comprise epistolary novels? ■END■
ANSWER: letters [or epistles or correspondences; accept Republic of Letters; accept Letter to Chesterfield; accept men of letters; accept belle-lettres; accept Turkish Embassy Letters; accept Letters to His Son]
<TH, British Literature>
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