A surah named for this event is the only one to mention the “people of Iram (“IH-rum”)” who had “lofty pillars.” A later surah named for this event condemns a soothsayer’s cursing technique of tying and spitting into a knot; that surah is often grouped with an-Nas as the final two surahs of the Qur’an. A now-outdated Islamic practice involved a drummer known as a mesaharati walking the streets directly prior to this event. A verse from al-Baqarah analogizes this time to a “white thread” that is distinguished from a “black thread.” The second adhan for a prayer recited at this time often includes the phrase “prayer is better than sleep.” The suḥūr meal is eaten directly before this time, during which the fajr (“FUH-jur”) prayer is recited. For 10 points, name this time of day at which fasting begins during Ramadan. ■END■
ANSWER: dawn [or daybreak; or break of day; accept sunrise; accept fajr until read; accept al-Falaq; prompt on suḥūr until read by asking “what time follows that?”; prompt on morning or day; prompt on first adhan by asking “that occurs at what time?”] (The first line is from al-Fajr.)
<AK, Religion>
= Average correct buzz position