Answer the following about French electronic composer Jean-Jacques Perrey (“peh-RAY”), for 10 points each.
[10m] Perrey earned a roast hedgehog from this musician for backing him on the Ondioline. Stéphane Grappelli played violin on the song “Minor Swing” as part of a quintet led by this musician, who overcame a burnt hand.
ANSWER: Django Reinhardt [or Jean Reinhardt; prompt on Django] (The quintet is the Quintette du Hot Club de France.)
[10e] The theme song of the Mexican sitcom El Chavo del Ocho is from a Perrey album whose punning title, “Moog (“mohg”) Indigo,” refers to a type of this electronic instrument that produces audio signals.
ANSWER: synthesizer [or Moog synthesizer]
[10h] This composer and Gershon Kingsley co-wrote Perrey’s oft-sampled song “E.V.A.” This composer scored films like Wild at Heart for a director who used his song “Falling,” which was sung by Julee Cruise, as the theme for a TV series.
ANSWER: Angelo Badalamenti [or Angelo Daniel Badalamenti] (David Lynch wrote the lyrics for the Twin Peaks theme “Falling” and the rest of the songs on Cruise’s album Floating Into the Night.)
<AP, Other Fine Arts>
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