In Consciousness Explained, Daniel Dennett uses this author to name a theory of memory illusion by which a false memory overwrites a correct perception, in contrast to Stalinesque theory. For 10 points each:
[10e] Name this novelist whose impact on the political philosophy lexicon includes coining the terms doublethink, Newspeak, and Big Brother.
ANSWER: George Orwell [or Eric Arthur Blair]
[10m] Orwell is called “the last intellectual in Europe” and said to depict “institutional cruelty” in this neo-pragmatist philosopher’s book Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity.
ANSWER: Richard Rorty [or Richard McKay Rorty]
[10h] This philosopher rejected Rorty’s reading of Orwell for focusing on cruelty over the subversion of beliefs. That critique appears in an “Essay in Genealogy” by this philosopher titled Truth and Truthfulness.
ANSWER: Bernard Williams [or Bernard Arthur Owen Williams]
<Indiana A, Philosophy>
California | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 20.00 | 100% | 100% | 0% |
Florida | 2025-02-01 | Y | 2 | 15.00 | 100% | 50% | 0% |
Great Lakes | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 20.00 | 100% | 67% | 33% |
Lower Mid-Atlantic | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 10.00 | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Midwest | 2025-02-01 | Y | 4 | 17.50 | 100% | 75% | 0% |
North | 2025-02-01 | Y | 2 | 5.00 | 50% | 0% | 0% |
Northeast | 2025-02-01 | Y | 2 | 15.00 | 100% | 50% | 0% |
Overflow | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 20.00 | 100% | 100% | 0% |
Southeast | 2025-02-01 | Y | 2 | 15.00 | 100% | 50% | 0% |
UK | 2025-02-01 | Y | 7 | 12.86 | 100% | 29% | 0% |
Upper Mid-Atlantic | 2025-02-01 | Y | 5 | 16.00 | 100% | 60% | 0% |
Upstate NY | 2025-02-01 | Y | 1 | 10.00 | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Iowa State | Wisconsin B | 10 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
Wisconsin A | Minnesota B | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |