Performers of this activity steal money from a girl’s fishbowl before she loses it in a storm grate in Jafar Panahi’s film The White Balloon. Gabal learns this activity from his father-in-law and uses it to strike a deal with the gangsters in The Children of Gebelawi. This activity provides an alternate title for a Sol Bloom song often called “The Poor Little Country Maid.” A woman modeled on the artist’s lover Jadwiga watches a man do this activity in The Dream by Henri Rousseau, who titled a 1907 painting for a performer of it. This activity often involves an item called a pungi (“POON-ghee”). The cover of Edward Said’s Orientalism shows Jean-Léon Gérôme’s painting of this activity, which does not actually induce hypnosis. For 10 points, what activity involves playing an instrument to draw a reptile out of a basket? ■END■
ANSWER: snake charming [accept snake charmers; accept serpent charming; prompt on charming by asking “of what?”; prompt on answers like playing music or playing a flute by asking “for what purpose?”] (The Sol Bloom song is also often called “The Streets of Cairo.”)
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