Donald Tovey describes the “vision of dry bones” in this symphony’s finale, which he analyzes in terms of “a Bass, a Tune, and a Fugue.” In the seventh bar of this symphony, violins enter with syncopated G’s floating above a sustained C-sharp in the cellos resolving up to D. A piece [emphasize] inspired by this one that uses hubcaps and brake drums as found percussion was written by Tán Dùn as an “Internet Symphony.” At a rehearsal for this symphony, Ferdinand Ries (“reese”) mistakenly berated a horn player for starting the first movement recapitulation early. Two isolated E-flat major chords open this symphony, whose second movement is an unusually long funeral march. For 10 points, name this early Romantic symphony that bears a retracted dedication to Napoleon. ■END■
ANSWER: Beethoven’s Symphony No. 3 [or Eroica Symphony or Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major, Op. 55 by Ludwig van Beethoven; accept the Sinfonia Eroica or Heroic Symphony]
<JC, Classical Music>
= Average correct buzz position