
In its opening, the author of this epistle mentions Timothy as “our brother” and refers to himself as “a prisoner of Jesus Christ.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this short “prison epistle,” which instructs the title person to forgive a slave, for he is “no longer a slave but more than a slave, a beloved brother.”
ANSWER: Epistle to Philemon
[10e] During his first Roman imprisonment, this man wrote the “prison epistles,” part of thirteen epistles attributed to him in the New Testament.
ANSWER: Paul the Apostle [or Saint Paul; or Saul of Tarsus; accept Pauline epistles or epistles of Paul]
[10m] A “prison epistle” dedicated to this city describes wearing shoes prepared with the “gospel of peace” in an extended analogy about the “Armor of God.” In a Christian legend, seven men from this city escape the Decian persecution by sleeping in a cave.
ANSWER: Ephesus [accept Epistle to the Ephesians; accept the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus]
<AK, Religion>

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