Jean de Béthencourt (“bay-tawn-COOR”) was made king of this region after beginning its conquest in 1402, perhaps to acquire a source of dye made from orchil lichen. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this region whose Guanche people were conquered by Castille. The sugar plantation model later introduced to the Caribbean was developed in this region and Portuguese possessions like Madeira.
ANSWER: Canary Islands [or Canaries; accept Islas Canarias]
[10e] Spanish conquest of the Canaries began under the third king of Castille with this name. Madeira was discovered by explorers sponsored by a Portuguese prince with this name nicknamed the “Navigator.”
ANSWER: Henry [or Enrique; or Henrique; or Henry III of Castile; or Henry the Suffering; or Enrique el Doliente; or Henry the Navigator; or Dom Henrique, o Navegador]
[10h] The introduction of these insects revived the Canarian economy after the decline of sugar. Spanish officials recorded Mexican peoples’ harvest of these insects, which produce a red dye later used in British military uniforms.
ANSWER: cochineal [or Dactylopius coccus; accept cochinilla]
<EC, European History>
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