One of these things specified by the AVX-512 extension is a bit-permuting Galois field affine transformation called GF2P8AFFINEQB (“G-F-two-P-eight-affine-Q-B”). Modern x86 processors use AES-NI to implement encryption operations as these things. Whether there are single or multiple streams for these things and data name classes of parallel architecture paradigms. A five-stage system for interpreting these things begins with “fetch” and “decode” and may have “nop” (“no-op”) inserted when hazards occur. The x86 register “rip” (“R-I-P”) corresponds to the program counter and specifies the address of one of these things, which may have its bytesize specified with the suffix W, L, or Q, such as in movq (“move-Q”). Each line of an assembly file contains one of these things. For 10 points, name these things that are executed when a program runs. ■END■
ANSWER: CPU instructions [accept x86 instructions; accept instruction set architectures] (The five-stage system is the RISC pipeline.)
<Southampton A, Other Science>
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