This organism contains the novel photoreceptor protein LITE-1, which is extremely efficient at processing blue and ultraviolet light. The transmembrane proteins SID-1 and SID-2 provide input molecules for one process in this organism controlled by lin-4, a heterochronic regulator that accumulates at this organism’s L2 stage of development. This organism was the first to have its full nervous system mapped. A team led by John Sulston determined that this organism’s hermaphroditic form has exactly 959 somatic cells. Andrew Fire and Craig Mello won the 2006 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering RNA interference in this organism, whose use as a model was popularized by Sydney Brenner. For 10 points, the first multicellular organism to have its full genome sequenced is what species of nematode worm? ■END■
ANSWER: C. elegans [or Caenorhabditis elegans; prompt on Caenorhabditis] (SID-1 and SID-2 are responsible for environmental RNA uptake; lin-4 is the first discovered microRNA.)
<MS, Biology>
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