
Answer the following about the literary career of gay English author J. R. Ackerley, for 10 points each.
[10h] Ackerley wrote a 1968 memoir titled for one of these people “and Myself.” One of these people is the first title figure of the best-known memoir by Edmund Gosse (“goss”).
ANSWER: fathers [or dads; accept My Father and Myself or Father and Son; prompt on parents]
[10e] Ackerley wrote the travel book Hindoo Holiday after he was secured a passage to India by this other gay author. This was fitting, since this novelist wrote A Passage to India.
ANSWER: E. M. Forster [or Edward Morgan Forster]
[10m] Ackerley’s best-known memoir details the bowel movements and sexual proclivities of Tulip, one of these characters. In a novel by Jerome K. Jerome, three men are accompanied down the Thames by a subtitular character of this type.
ANSWER: dogs [accept My Dog Tulip; accept Alsatian or German Shepherd or fox terrier; accept Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of the Dog)]
<TH, British Literature>

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