
This author described modernity as a series of “terminal paradoxes” in a book chapter examining “The Depreciated Legacy of Cervantes.” This author discussed the “playful transcription” of his Diderot-inspired play Jacques and his Master in a book titled for Max Brod’s betrayal of Kafka, Testaments Betrayed. Borrowing a concept from Mikhail Bakhtin, this author championed the “polyphony” in the Hermann Broch novel The Sleepwalkers. In his book The Art of the Novel, this author called for (-5[1])structuring novels in seven parts, which he did for a novel in which Ludvik writes on a postcard, “Optimism (10[1])is the opium (10[1])of the people!” Another novel by this author begins by discussing Nietzsche’s concept of eternal return. For 10 points, name this author of The Joke and The Unbearable Lightness (10[1])of Being. (10[1])■END■ (10[2])

ANSWER: Milan Kundera
<HG, European Literature>
= Average correct buzz position

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