Théodore Géricault’s Man Clutching a Horse in Water was modeled on a painting in this series that depicts a deluge, which William Hazlitt hailed as “perhaps the finest historical landscape in the world.” For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this 17th-century series of paintings based on Old Testament stories. Two spies carry giant grapes in one painting in this series, while another shows Ruth kneeling before Boaz.
ANSWER: The Four Seasons [or Les Quatre Saisons]
[10m] The Four Seasons is a series by this Baroque artist. He may have allegorically depicted the seasons as four figures holding hands in a circle in a painting in which a winged old man on the right plays the lyre.
ANSWER: Nicolas Poussin (The painting is A Dance to the Music of Time.)
[10e] In another Poussin painting, the four seasons comprise this god’s retinue as he is beseeched by his son. The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of this sun god who was often identified with Apollo.
ANSWER: Helios [or Helius]
<Illinois B, Painting and Sculpture>
California | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 13.33 | 67% | 67% | 0% |
Florida | 2025-02-01 | Y | 2 | 10.00 | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Great Lakes | 2025-02-01 | Y | 6 | 11.67 | 100% | 17% | 0% |
Lower Mid-Atlantic | 2025-02-01 | Y | 6 | 15.00 | 100% | 50% | 0% |
Midwest | 2025-02-01 | Y | 6 | 20.00 | 100% | 83% | 17% |
North | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 10.00 | 67% | 33% | 0% |
Northeast | 2025-02-01 | Y | 5 | 14.00 | 80% | 60% | 0% |
Pacific Northwest | 2025-02-01 | Y | 2 | 10.00 | 100% | 0% | 0% |
South Central | 2025-02-01 | Y | 2 | 10.00 | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Southeast | 2025-02-01 | Y | 4 | 12.50 | 100% | 25% | 0% |
Upper Mid-Atlantic | 2025-02-01 | Y | 7 | 15.71 | 100% | 43% | 14% |
Upstate NY | 2025-02-01 | Y | 3 | 10.00 | 100% | 0% | 0% |
Kenyon | Carnegie Mellon A | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Carnegie Mellon B | Michigan B | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Case Western A | Michigan C | 0 | 10 | 10 | 20 |
Ohio State A | Case Western B | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Michigan A | Ohio State B | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 |
Michigan State | Michigan D | 0 | 0 | 10 | 10 |