An equation that uses a form of this technique to determine kinetic parameters contains the constant intercept term [read slowly] “log of the pre-exponential factor times R over activation energy” and is named for Homer Kissinger. A form of this technique used to analyze protein solutions involves applying perturbations of 5 atmospheres. It’s not chromatography, but noise in this technique can be suppressed using a nitrogen and argon-based “purge” gas. The results of a form of this technique are characterized by a “c-value” proportional to binding affinity. Glass transitions can be quantified using a form of this technique that measures the difference in heating rate between two pans called its “differential scanning” type. For 10 points, what technique is done in classroom labs by heating a sample in a coffee cup? ■END■
ANSWER: calorimetry [accept differential scanning calorimetry or isothermal titration calorimetry or pressure perturbation calorimetry]
<CWRU A, Chemistry>
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