This conflict was reportedly preceded by a massacre in one city that took place after the “Day of Eleusis” forced a ruler to withdraw from a rival’s territories. A leader of this conflict was honored as “one of the First Friends” by Alexander Balas during a succession rivalry. A text primarily about this conflict records Heliodorus reconciling with Onias (“oh-NYE-us”) after trying to plunder one site. John Hyrcanus’s (“her-KAY-nuss’s”) accession concludes another deuterocanonical book about this conflict. Simon Thassi and his four brothers led one side in this conflict together with their father Mattathias. A king “built an idol altar upon God’s altar” and “slew swine upon it” in the lead-up to this anti-Seleucid (“seh-LOO-sid”) conflict, according to Josephus. For 10 points, name this revolt against Antiochus IV Epiphanes’s Hellenizing impositions on the Jews. ■END■
ANSWER: Maccabean Revolt [accept revolt of the Maccabees or equivalents; accept Hasmonean revolt; accept the conflict between Antiochus IV Epiphanes and Judea or equivalents until “Antiochus” is read; prompt on descriptions of Jewish revolts until “Jews” is read; prompt on anti-Seleucid revolts until “Seleucid” is read] (According to 2 Maccabees, Antiochus IV massacred Jerusalem after the Romans forced his withdrawal from Egypt in the Sixth Syrian War. The second sentence refers to Jonathan Apphus during Alexander Balas’s rivalry with Demetrius I.)
<AT, Other History>
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