John Toner and Yuhai Tu showed that the formation of these structures is an example of spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Vicsek (“VEE-check”) model. These structures inspired the development of a metaheuristic algorithm that started out with just two rules: velocity matching and “craziness.” Craig Reynolds proposed that each member of these structures obeys rules for separation, alignment, and cohesion in his boids model. Stochastic diffusion search belongs to a field of artificial intelligence that uses the dynamics of these self-organized structures to solve optimization problems. The (*) lateral line organ enables the formation of these structures, especially in the absence of visual information. A murmuration is one of these structures. The mixed-species type of these structures enables some species to forage while others act as sentinels. For 10 points, name these emergent structures that are formed by the collective motion of animals. ■END■
ANSWER: flocks [or flocking; accept swarms or swarming or swarm intelligence or particle swarm optimization; accept schools or schooling; accept herds; accept shoals or shoaling; accept colonies of ants, bees, termites, or other animals; prompt on descriptions of groups of animals that move together, such as birds flying or fish swimming, until “animals” is read; prompt on collective motion until read; prompt on self-organized structures until “self-organized” is read; prompt on biological aggregates or biological aggregation]
<IC, Other Science (Mixed/Any)>
= Average correct buzz position